Wednesday 30 November 2016

I am having adventures in Singapore airport. I woke up from my hour stay in the transit hotel relatively refreshed but since I checked out I have been fighting grumpiness. Sometimes I wake up grumpy and sometimes I let him sleep.

I have been drinking lots of water- well by my standards anyway. I had a lovely mango langon and a cup of coffee and blueberry muffin. I have also had two panadeine.

I have decided that wheelchair access toilets are the best kind to use. Unfortunately one Chinese lady also decided that and she did not lock the door. Fortunately she was not sitting on the toilet at the time but standing by the sink.
"Oh I forgot to lock the door, " she confessed.
"Are you finished," I asked.
"No," she said. "Give me five minutes."
I was not sure I wanted to use a toilet where someone had stayed for five minutes so I went to the ladies.

You would not believe the amount of blue smoke that puffs into the air every time an aircraft lands.

 I saw some air hostesses with lovely stripe scarves and saw that they were from Tiger Airlines. Then I watched  one of their aircraft land. I am sure Ms Whisks would not mind flying if she could go with them.

There is a butterfly house about 20 metres away. I should go for a look. Or maybe I should get another coffee. Butterflies? Coffee? Butterflies?  Coffee?


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