Wednesday 9 November 2016

It is lunchtime in NZ and I am sitting on the floor in Hephzibah listening to the dawn chorus symphony playing outside my window.

I had an amazing thought as I settled myself to spend time with THE-ONE-WHO-KNOWS-EVERYTHING. I will choose  to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. It was one of those left field H*ly Spi*it kind of thoughts that flash across your mind and bring illumination and perspective. Prior to that I was feeling a little grumpy with broken sleep, hard bed, itchy mosquito bitten feet, spilt tea and the weariness that comes from being out of my comfort zone.

King David wrote in Psalms 27:4  One thing I ask from the L**D, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the L**D all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the L**D and to seek him in his temple.

And it seems to me that in every life situation we have a choice about whether we will gaze upon the beauty of God or become caught up in pettiness, triviality and self-pity. One is a spiritual response one is a soulish one. One will lift me up, one will drag me down.

 In the past year or so I have tried to respond to life’s challenges with thankfulness. I have tried to see everything that happens to me as a blessing from God. I have not always been successful but for the most part it has made such a difference. However, gazing upon the beauty of God in a situation, whatever that looks like, seems to me, to be an even more powerful way of not only connecting with God but transcending the muck life throws at us. It is based on an attitude that says this is unpleasant but I will not focus on me but trust my beautiful God to bring me through.
 I do not think that involves denying what is happening. It is more like choosing not to focus on it. Whatever I focus has the potential to control me and maybe even consume and overcome  me. Therefore I will focus on the beauty of God. Better to be controlled, consumed and overcome by God who is eternally love than a momentary trouble.

If God works good in every situation then he must be in every situation. Therefore in every situation I can gaze upon his beauty as he brings his redemptive best from situations that could range in unpleasantness from inconvenient to extremely distressing.
What a crazy thought.

Now I just have to figure out how.

Psalms 19:1[19:1] The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands
I guess he will show me.


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