Saturday 5 November 2016

Smile and walk away.

It has been raining today so instead of braving the elements I decided  to take a taxi to my favouritism shopping centre in the world. When I say shopping centre I am being generous. Rundown overcrowded stinky rabbit warren with lots of small shops and annoying porters who keep trying to steer you into shops might be a better description. One should also add in to the word picture  extremely endearing. I do not want to paint too negative a picture. And to be fair it is only the meat market in the centre that is stinky and one can avoid that.

Katrina came with me. It is her first visit to Hephzibah. A couple of the shopkeepers asked me if she was my daughter. I was a little shocked to start with. How rude.  I nearly slapped the first guy which would have been extremely bad. Then I realised she is 33 years younger than me so I guess it was a fair question and she is quite a lovely young woman so it actually was a compliment. Sometimes I forget how ancient I am growing.

Anyway I dragged Katrina around all my favourite places and ended up buying another salwar. She bought some clothes too. I nearly bought another salwar but the price was too high so I smiled and walked away. I was after a leather belt and a kind porter led me to a shop. The man wanted 2000 rupees for the belt at first. I said, "1000," after Katrina did a quick conversion on her phone. We haggled for a few minutes but he was not budging from his price and I was not either. So I smiled and walked away.

A few seconds later someone from the shop called me back and we  bought the belt for 1000 rupees. I decided I was feeling brave and maybe we could catch the metro, underground train home. On the way there was a man selling belts on the street. I asked him what was the price. He said, " 250 rupees."
"Oh," I said to myself. I started to walk away and he kept dropping the price as I left. My smile was a little tight lipped as I walked away.

Katrina consoled me by saying the belt I bought was still cheaper than if I had bought it in NZ and the 1000 rupee  belt was probably much better quality. I smiled and walked away.

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