Tuesday 8 November 2016

NBC- Naga Boiled Chicken

Ever since I arrived the joyous sound of roosters crowing has assailed my ears early in the morning before it is light. Not that I mind. I am already awake. Yesterday someone made a comment about the roosters and I realised they were on the terrace of the house so I went up for a look. And there they were in all their roostery splendour. Well it was tethered splendour as a lead was tied to their leg.

The Bible says, there are three things that are stately in their stride, four that move with stately bearing and one of these happens to be  a strutting rooster. These fowls were not really strutting their stuff because the lead was too short but they still had that strutting kind of attitude even if they were stationary.

I thought to myself I must take a photo for the blog. Later in the day when dinner was being prepared I glanced into the kitchen and there in the bowl were the birds naked and disembowelled. It was a sad sight. How far these regal chaps had sunk.

There they are sitting on the kitchen floor waiting to be cooked.

Anyway needless to say we had chicken for dinner. Chicken body, chicken innards, chicken feet all merrily together in the same pot. It was a special  dinner because on this day the Lotha people who live in the northeast and are one of the 12 main tribes of the Naga people celebrate tribal unity. My friend Lochumlo, her sister and family and her niece are from this tribe. The dishes were all Lotha favourites. Just between you and me I have to confess my tummy is not particularly fond of Naga food. It is quite different to the Bengali Indian curries I am used to. I ate rather circumspectly which was rather fortunate and very  good for the waist line. Even so I could feel the food burning all the way down and burning a hole in my stomach lining once it arrived there.

Post note: On Thursday it is lochumlos birthday and her sister and brother-in-law are cooking. Glory to G*d.


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