Sunday 6 November 2016

The trip to my favouritist shopping place yesterday  was fraught with opportunities for blog entries.
For example the man standing on the street corner preaching the good news all have sinned and fallen short of G*d's glory and need a saviour.

The jury is out on whether I should have said anything to him or not. I sensed the judge gave me a look that said what were your motives for speaking to him. The fact is I didn't give it much thought before I spoke.

 The conversation went something like this:
Me, with uncharacteristic bluntness, "Do you know it is illegal to preach on the streets here."
Him: "Jesus said he would protect me."
Me: "Jesus also said obey the law of the land."
Him: "I didn't know. I wish you hadn't told me.
Me: "Sorry. You are doing a good job. God bless you."

The fact of the matter it is illegal for people on tourist and business visas to proselytize. He could have been arrested. It would not have been good for an elderly American to go to jail but just as likely someone would have given him a warning. However, she who broke the law recently herself spoke more out of self-righteous indignation and probably judgement rather than concern someone would end up in jail.

And he was a sweet little old man concerned about the souls of Hephzibah. And he did look quite deflated so I wish I did not speak now.

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