Tuesday 15 November 2016

Honey I shrunk the salwar

Maybe I have put on weight???

 I  am fairly sure I am going to need counselling shortly. I am equally as sure that my new salwar top has shrunk. The salwar top is like a tunic-ee thing that goes over the top of baggy trousers. Only don't call it a tunic because I don't like tunics and refuse to wear them.

Usually when you buy a salwar outfit it comprises top, pants and sometimes a matching scarf. Sometimes you can only buy tops. If it is a shorter top but not as short as a blouse it is called a kuti and it does not come with trousies. Once upon a time there were three little foxes who didn't wear socks and they didn't wear trousies but they all had handkerchiefs to blow their noses but I digress.

This particular salwar that has become diminished in size is purple and has a lovely pair of matching trousies that are white with purple flowers. After I bought it home I tried it on and it seemed like a loose  fit but after I washed it I nearly had a fit because well you know what happened.

Apparently if you wash shrunken things with fabric softener it miraculously returns them to their previous dimensions. Here's hoping.

I showed my two fashion consultants what I looked like in the size challenged garment and they said it was a good fit and the way it should be worn.
"It's because you wear everything so baggy it feels tight," was the advice they proffered.
"Humphh," was my reply to that.

There is of course the possibility I have put on weight. That is unlikely seeing as I thought I was losing it. Mind you for lunch today we had mashed potato, thin lentil soup and rice which is fairly high carb tucker.

Still my story is the salwar has shrunk and I am sticking to it unless I have further evidence to the contrary.

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