Wednesday 23 November 2016

This is my friend Okitoki. I call her Little Oki for short. Little Oki is a wonderful servant-hearted young woman who spends all day looking after me. Whenever I need a cup of coffee or tea all I have to do is ask her and she makes it for me. Sometimes I do not even need to ask and Little Oki brings me a cup of something. She also serves me my lunch and dinner and washes my plates. 

If we are out and about Little Oki takes me by the hand so I cross the street without mishap. If I needed my clothes washed Little Oki would do that for me as well. However, I think the only one who should wash my stinky clothes is me so I put my foot down when it comes to laundry. I suspect Little Oki also tidies my room but I have never caught her in the act. She would make my bed as well except one of the other girls beats her to it.

By now I am guessing you are thinking I am very lazy. No wonder she likes going to Hephzibah when people wait hand and foot on her. The problem is I do not especially like being waited on. When I first came I tried to sneak into the kitchen to make a cup of something but I severely hurt Oki’s feelings. So now I let Little Oki do it.

As Little Oki  is in charge of hospitality in the household it is her responsibility to look after guests. And I must say she does a very good job. 

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