Monday 7 November 2016

Armed and dangerous

My war against mosquitoes continues. Within a very short time of reaching my friend Lochumlos house the little suckers were targeting me. This morning I went downstairs to pray and I noticed the room had new windows. There were no windows there last time I came. Great I thought to myself no mosquitoes but just after I made that observation who should I notice following me into the room but a stinky mosquito. I saw her put her feelers to her mouth and wolf whistle to her sisters. Then I heard her shout, “ In here my lovelys- breakfast.”

Apparently it is only the females who bite. They need the blood to produce eggs. The blokes who sound a bit blousee suck flower nectar. I know. I know.

What I do not understand is why they rarely bite me in a place on my body where I notice them. It is only the tell-tale sting of pain I feel after the mosquito has left that alerts me to the fact someone has just dined free of charge at my expense. I find such clandestine activity totally irreprehensible. However, the offenders do not seem to care.

The newspaper this morning contained a story about how the unseasonal rainy weather was encouraging the population explosion of the mosquito that carries dengue fever. So it might be especially important to try and avoid being bitten if such a thing is possible. The doctor did tell me that my lovely doxycyclines would not protect me against dengue.

I went to most of the shops lining the street to the market but no-one has any incence sticks for sale. These smoke from these drop mosquitoes dead as. I did buy some fly spray and a coil. The coil should be as good but the smoke is not as easy to control as when it comes from a stick.

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