Thursday 3 November 2016

I find bat poo very interesting- Ima Batty, chiropterologist.

The boring as bat poo ramblings/adventures of a sleep deprived kiwi chick. I realised on the plane that by the time I get to Hephzibah at 10.30pm tonight which is really more like 4.30am NZ time I will have been awake for 24 hours.

Oh why did I realise that. I suddenly feel tired.

I am in Singers filling in time before my flight in about two hours. I tried to find the cafĂ© that sells lavender flavoured earl  grey tea but to no avail. Maybe it is in terminal 3. I had the same problem finding it last time. So now I have given up and settled for ordinary earl grey.

I have had a lovely shower so at least I am clean even if I have had no sleep for 24 hours.

The naughty spell check keeps trying to outwrite me. And it is selective about what it tries to change.

The flight here was uneventful except because I checked in at Invercargill I didn't get to choose my favourite seat 47G on the aeroplane and by the time I tried to change it at Christchurch someone already had it. They must have wondered why I glared at them on my two trips to the toilet during the flight. For your information 47G is the last row of seats before the toilets. I was in 40G which was still great though. Oh but I sat beside a poor man who kept his padded jacket and gloves on most of the trip. It wasn't a straight sort of a padded jacket to be sure.

My tea is very hot and I am a little apprehensive I might miss my flight. Its so easy to get distracted when writing blogs. Still half an hour to the gate opens. Chill man.

I also realised that by the time I reach my destination I will have had three main meals plus breakfast so there are some advantages to staying awake for 24 hours. However, this time I must remember not to eat the chilli that will be sitting as garnish on the top of the meal which will be served on the trip to Hephzibah.

PS the comment about glaring at the person sitting in my seat was a little something for all my friends who laugh at my jokes. You know who you are.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a safe and comfortable trip to Singers! Hope ya get some sleep when ya get to India. Take Care x
