Wednesday 16 November 2016

A royal occasion

I listened to a message by TD Jakes last night about the time an unmarried but pregnant with the Messiah Mary  trotted off to the hill country to see her cousin Elisabeth who was also expecting a child. I always find TD  entertaining and insightful. He made a  comment along the way that struck me like a piece of four by two.

The main point of his message was that with blessing there comes burdens. Part way through was a little gem hat helped me make sense of two experiences I have had since I arrived in Hephzibah. He said we need to spend time with cousins in life. People who are like minded and have a similar focus. If people do not accept us or relate to us we should limit the time we spend with them TD suggested. Mary was in a dire situation as a young unmarried but pregnant woman. She could easily have been stoned for that. She took refuge with her older cousin who was also in need of support at that time in her life. The two women were on a similar mission and were able to comfort and encourage  each other.

Today I met some cousins and I was treated like a royal visitor. It is the first time I have met these people but it was truly an empowering and special occasion. I met the ministry leader and he took me to the boarding house where ten boys live. There were some girls too but I don't think they live in.

  I was presented with flowers and seated on a chair in front of the young people who sang for me and danced.

I shared a brief message and then I prayed for us. Tea and biscuits were served. The young people left for school and we travelled to his house to meet his wife and children. There I was served with sandwiches, sweets, fruit and coffee.

Off we went again to a prayer group where I prayed with the ladies and more refreshments were served. As we had opportunity he told me about the ministry and asked questions about what my vision was. We parted company and the dear man said when I return to India he would organise some meetings for me to speak to the people under  his leadership some of whom are planting house fellowships.

In the space of three hours it was like God validated the direction I am heading in. It was one of those WOW moments that pop up unexpected.  This experience stood in stark contrast to another visit I made to a ministry recently where no refreshments were served and my presence was treated with cordial indifference.  In fairness to the first organisation they are extremely busy and I did ask G** to confirm whether he wanted me to work there which he certainly did.

However, for all that I learned a valuable lesson today about how to be hospitable and honouring of guests.

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