Sunday 27 November 2016

Infinity and beyond

Yesterday I boldly and bravely  went where I had not been before. I am always a little nervous about setting out into the unknown. But as the ONE-WHO-KNOWS- EVERYTHING whispered in my heart," You can do all things." So off I went in a taxi to a world famous train station. The station was seething with multitudes of people but I managed to find a likely train and found a seat beside a nice man. The carriage did not have many seats because it was the sort of place where people with large bundles travel. There was a suspicious fishy smell like someone was transporting fish  to somewhere. There were several other vendors with vegetables packed into large baskets. One man was wearing a T-Shirts with the words. "Beer is the answer. I can't remember the question,"  on it. I thought that was not a good choice of shirt to wear to church on Sunday.

Each time the train stopped at a station someone selling something would enter the carriage. Men selling snacks, potato chips, and oranges came and went. Finally I reached my station and disembarked. Shortly after my friend L collected me and we drove to her house.

After lunch we went for a little tour. This village is where William Carey one of the fathers of modern mission was invited by the Danish to set up his mission. He arrived there in about 1800. Prior to him coming to India he had been told by an older minister at  a meeting, "Young man, sit down; when God is pleased to convert the heathen world, He will  do it without your help or mine."  Bill did not listen to this advice fortunately.

Carey is the dude who said,"Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God." And he certainly did this in his life time. He has left an amazing legacy including Serampore College.


1 comment:

  1. Well done. Ive been there and its no mean fete.
    What a amazing guy William was. Loved reading his history.
