Monday 14 November 2016

Money its a gas pt 2

I think this money debacle is going to be an on going saga.

I went to Freeset today and joined three American chicks who were booked in for a tour. Freeset is a NZ initiative to provide women in the sex trade with alternative employment. One of the Americans owns a shop that sells Freeset products- T-Shirts, jute bags. Commercial break- For a full selection please refer to the Freeset website.

I did not want to do "the tour" of the factory.  It seemed too touristee for me. Anyway I did not want to be too uncharacteristically ungracious so I was about to do the abridged version of the tour when the Americans turned up so they joined in and off we went.

When we arrived back in the little shop that sells direct to eager customers, it transpired the girls did not have much money to spend there. They  had arrived in Hephzibah three hours after the 500 and 1000 bills were declared obsolete. However, that was all the currency they had on them. They also had American money and credit cards. They can virtually  spend no money unless they can pay by credit card.

They have tried getting money from the ATM's but the ATM's have all run dry of money which has not been replaced. They went to the airport to exchange money but were told the exchange had run out of rupees. They tried the bank. No go. They tried the money changers like me. No go. These poor but rich women have to watch every rupee they spend.

After they finished at Freeset they were going to the American Embassy. I thought that was a great idea to bring in the cavalry.

By ther-way people have until December 30 to exchange the notes. I incorrectly reported in Money, its a gas that people had until November 14. I apologise for any inconvenience readers may have experienced.

Apparently the new 500 rupee notes were released today. Once they become readily available spending will become fun again but not for those American chicks. They go home Saturday.

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