Monday 28 November 2016

I had this fine looking blueberry cheesecake for lunch the other day. I know. I know. Hardly the sort of thing a health conscious person would eat for lunch but there were no mo-mo available which were my first choice. Besides which I figured it should at least have some protein in it. Cheescake does usually have cream cheese in it after all. However, the jury is out on whether there was any cream cheese in it.

The texture  of the filling was more like a mousse than cheesecake so it could just have been the usual icing mixture which fills many of the cakes here with some gelatine in it. It was tasty enough and if there was no cream cheese I don't really care.

Buying lunch was part of an elaborate plan to convert a 2000 rupee note in hundreds. To buy food on the level three of the devil's mall one has to put credit on a card which is then used at whatever stall you are buying food from. I put 1000 on the card and the man reluctantly gave me change. Then when we had finished eating we cashed in the remaining credit on the card.

One has to be inventive when breaking down 2000 rupee notes especially as there is a limit to how many times you can go through the supermarket cashier on the same day buying items worth two or three hundred rupees and expecting change each time from a large note.

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