Friday 2 February 2018

The way it is


I really may have to give up on cheap hotels in exotic Asian locations. I know I know. They always look so good on the website.

The one I am staying in overnight before I go to my friend's is comfortable enough. It has lovely free wiifi. It is clean. It will cost about $50 with breakfast. I can turn on an urn to heat the water for my shower. There is no top sheet for the bed and the duvet does not look that fresh but that is the only niggle I have. Oh and the dogs that bark, the sirens and  two explosions. Still once I put my ear plugs in I could not hear much.

It is more travelling to the cheap hotel that challenges my sense of safety and well-being. Especially when I have a cling on from the airport who wants me to tip him because he led me to a taxi. I insisted on carrying my bag which was not that heavy but he put it in the front seat. Then he sat beside it and I wondered if he would jump out of the taxi and steal it. Of course none of this is helped by the fact I have had no sleep for 24 hours and tend to be more neurotic than usual.

Nor is it helped by the fact we seemed to be driving through darkish streets and the way to the hotel was down a lane which we walked. The hotel manager wais pleasant enough but took my photo as I checked  in. That is for the Indian government in case I go missing.  Well that was his cheerful explanation. I hope he emailed the photo straight away to the Indian government because if I do go missing surely the photo could too? Best not go missing I guess.

Post note: I did not go missing but did need counselling after several people at the hotel needed or demanded tips. I did not have the right sized change so ended up giving more than I would have.  I felt a little mean but I carried my bag down from my room to the taxi out of the road to avoid paying more tips. I know. I know. It is that kind of frugal to the point of stupid logic that messed up my visa to India arriving in Wellington in plenty of time. What shall I do with myself??!!!

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