Saturday 17 February 2018

Summer breeze

The ceiling fan- one of a girl's best friends in the never-ending war against mosquitoes.
In the early hours of this morning I discovered how to know if there are mosquitoes in your bedroom- turn the fan off. The fan keeps the air moving which keeps the mosquitoes moving which means they do not land and bite you.
Now to be fair there are not many mosquitoes about at this time of year. Mosquitoes breed best and are more numerous when there is water lying around. Like in the monsoon time  on until the water evaporates. However, they are still hungry little blighters. Don’t let anyone tell you by the way, that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Mosquitoes who help themselves to free blood supplies, are evidence there is.
 If you turn the fan off because it is noisy and a bit cold then all you need to do is wait. Going to sleep fills in the time nicely. You may not hear the mosquito, you may not feel it land or bite but after it has left snacking on you, you will wake up with a small burning itchy lump somewhere on your body.
Burning itchy lumps are what happened to me this morning in the early hours.  I ignored the first one on my elbow but after the second one on my leg, I was wide enough awake to do something sensible. Turn the fan back on and spray some mosquito spray about.
After I did that there were no more new burning itchy lumps.
 Simple really.

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