Saturday 17 February 2018

You Can't Sleep On It

This bed looks extremely comfortable does it not?

 I said to my back and my neck, “This is a very comfortable bed. You will rest well here.”

“ Humphh, “they replied.


If it was a bad attitude I could deal with it. If my thoughts were going haywire I could pull them into line. If I was dehydrated I could drink more water. But how do you fix a hard sleeping surface that gives you a nasty headache the next morning?

I am not sure what the mattresses here are made of. It does not feel like sponge rubber though. It could be coconut husks. That does not sound very comfortable but is probably softer than the tile floor!!  Maybe there is a thin layer of foam over coconut husks. At one of my destinations it felt like the bed was made of straight coconut husks.

Lying on pillows helps. A polar fleece blanket folded several times and placed strategically with pillows helps.

Arising at 5am helps. The longer you stay in bed the worse it gets.

I am thinking if I am going to sleep here again, I may need to have a contingency plan like an inflatable mattress.

 I know, I know.


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