Saturday 31 October 2015

The fruitcake I bought at the market today is so spectacular it deserves its own post. The place I went to buy it is world famous in Hephzibah. It is a bakery owned by a Jewish family that have been in the city a long time. Their Christmas fruitcake is very famous - did I mention that? I have eaten fruitcake from there in 1995, 1998 and 2008  so I thought it would be fitting to  buy again. The price seemed a little steep which I guess is the price for going to a world famous establishment with a reputation to maintain.

Anyway after I bought the cake and it was boxed I went and bought a papaya. I was a little concerned how I would get the papaya home as they are prone to bruising. The cake box did have rather sharp edges. By the time I had finished a latte in a lovely air conditioned cafĂ© I decided I needed a little something for pudding at nights so I went back into the market to buy something cake-wish. It just so happened I chanced upon another bakery with a much cheaper cake. I decided very quickly that one can never have too much cake especially at bargain prices so I bought one. I think I will keep the other one for later on in my travels.

Tonight after a chicken egg roll first course  I ate one piece of cake. And then another. It was  very tasty. I only hope the other one is as good...

Mmmm cake.

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