Friday 16 October 2015

Today I went to town along with several million other people. This made it not as easy to get around as usual. Not that it is easy to get around usually. Police were warning the crowd to make sure they kept their purses, wallets  and valuables safe from "miscreants in the mêlée". The English language can be used very poetically at times.
I had a companion who was very good company but was likely at odds with the purpose of my trip which was to visit my old haunts. It is probably the sport of expedition one should attempt alone.
It was amazing the number of people who recognised me. Also a little scary in some respects. Thankfully all seemed pleased to see me and my wallet or was it just my wallet?
Tomorrow I am going back on the tram to visit the places I did not get to today and find the spice man who I gave up looking for. I love the tram. The chances are town will be even more crowded but the tram won't be.

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