Sunday 18 October 2015

If you don't laugh you might cry

I find a merry heart does good like a medicine. Yesterday I arrived at the tram stop bright eyed and bushy tailed only to find the tram ran down the middle of the road and two rather scary lanes of traffic coming at speed were between me and the door of the tram. I elected not to catch the tram. I could have waited 15 minutes for the next tram but decided to catch a bus instead. I figured I could catch the tram on the way home. Silly old me.
I made it to town ok. I went to the market and found the spice man but he doesn't have a spice grinding wallah  anymore but he did sell me some spices. Then I went wandering around the market which  is always a challenge because people who are paid to channel foreigners into shops are lurking.
You want silky scarf madam. Salwar? Saffron? I managed to convince them I was fine. Anyway I did discover a shop that had rather stunning long tops so I stopped there. By the time the man finished he had clocked up a 7500 bill for me to pay. To be honest I could easily have racked up another 75000 worth of gear. I really liked what he was selling. He was a little shocked I only wanted to pay 2000 but I was his first customer for the day so he was happy to drop his price. Well that is what he said. Eventually we settled on  2600 which is about $60. He still will have made a large profit I expect but I have a bargain, three tops and one pair of baggy trousers. It's not whether you win or lose it is how you play the game and marketing is surely a game.
I went to my favourite New Regent restaurant for lunch where I ate one butter naan. It was totally delicious. I have been eating naan there since 1992. In the old days when I was a slim young thing I would have finger chips and naan but I don't need all that carbohydrate now.
By this time it was about 2pm and I was ready to catch the tram home.
"No sorry madam the tram does not go there."
"But it went there this morning. I saw it."
"No madam the tram has not gone that way for six months. Service is discontinued."
Eventually I figured out what I had seen written on the tram and asked if I caught a tram to this place could I catch another to where I wanted to go.
"Yes madam."
Off we went down the road rattling and clanging. It was great. I love riding the tram. Except next time I must remember to sit in the front of the second compartment, the view is better. When we got to the first destination I asked where the next tram left from but wouldn't you know it that tram was not running. However, if madam caught the 205/A bus she would get to where she wanted to go.
I managed to find the bus stop. The bus even turned up. I managed to get off the bus. I managed to figure out where I was and then I managed to walk home after taking a quick coffee break in an air conditioned café.
I was a very tired bunny when I arrived home at 4.30pm but I was still able to see the funny side of my adventures in a land far away.

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