Friday 30 October 2015

This is the way we build a house, build a house...

Commissioning went well although I suspect the students could be a little perplexed about my relationship with Winnie. I dare say they are not the only ones. Tonight we are having a farewell barbecue. I will be sad to say goodbye. It has been fun living with these young people and getting to know them. Tomorrow I will go back to stay at my friend's house closer to the centre of town until I fly out on Tuesday evening. I am looking forward to having another crack at catching the tram to town. Now puja is over maybe everything will be back to normal whatever that looks like.

A building is going up next door. It is rather fascinating watching its progress. The first part was started before I arrived but the last few days a digger has been taking out soil for the second half of the structure.


After the digger finished yesterday a layer of bricks went down and today the concrete wallahs are covering the bricks in concrete.

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