Thursday 29 October 2015

This teaching lark may not be all it is cracked up to be. I have discovered to teach twenty hours of material on one subject for a week two weeks in a row is quite a commitment. It wouldn't be so bad if one had all the material needed prepared beforehand but I have been adding information in as I have been going. Fortunately I have with me most of the studies I have  put together over the years so I have been using that material. I possibly should also included the book synopsis' I have completed too. Guess the first time was always going to be a steep learning curve.

Winnie would be proud of one of the illustrations in my commissioning talk. After explaining Winnie is my purry furry girl and showing several photos I am going to tell them this:

Sometimes Winnie likes to sleep on a chair and you think she is fast asleep. You think she has no idea what is happening in the room but if you look carefully you will see her ears move sometimes and she will open her eyes just a little to see what is going on. If a mouse comes into the room Winnie knows immediately. She jumps up very fast and bang she has pounced on the mouse and caught it before the mouse knows it.
What will happen if Winnie is too lazy to catch the mouse? The mouse will stay in the house and it will invite its friends to come too. Next minute there will be many mice in the house. They will eat the food. They will make a mess. The house will smell of sou sou and piekaner. It will be very bad.
It is the same with our hearts. We have to be very careful what we allow to live in our hearts. Sometimes naughty little thoughts will try and live in our hearts but we have to be like Winnie and pounce on them before they make their home there. We should also be allowing God to show us the little mice that are already in our hearts that we need to remove.


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