Friday 30 October 2015

It is just about time to get up in NZ and I can not go to sleep. Somewhere in my room a bloated insect rests replete. I know this because there are at least two puncture marks on my arm where it feasted free of charge. I turned off the fan because it is not that hot but without the constant movement of air mosquitoes turn up to dine.

I am lying thinking which is never good -  isn't blog writing a little narcisstic? It is a dilemma I have had before. The good thing about it is people now I am still alive but isn't it a little self-absorbed to think people would find my adventures interesting? The other good thing about it is I have such funny experiences in this place, usually at my expense, and it seems a shame not to share them. It is also is cheaper than counselling.

My great quandary  is how I will keep in touch with the score in the All Blacks Wallabies game. Last week I found two blogs on media sites that gave details of the game. However, it takes an awfully long time for 80 minutes to pass when you are sitting waiting for an update of the action when it is being entered every 3-5 minutes.

I do not think there are any sports bars in Hephzibah and I am not sure I would want to go to one until 11.30pm. The other challenge is I will not have unlimited internet access like I do here. So I may go to bed and find out in the morning.

Our barbecue was very tasty. The meat was placed on a netting grill suspended over a smokey fire. Here are two of the cooks in action. It gets dark here fast!!
This is what the barbecue looks like in daylight!!

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