Wednesday 28 October 2015

Something rather bizarre happened at 4.15am - my phone rang. I thought it was on flight mode but I must have switched it off. I did not answer it partly because it was such a surprise and partly because it would have cost me money. There may be a little credit on it but there can not be much. We decided it was a New Zealand number but if anyone really needed to make contact, would send me an email. The time in NZ would have been about 11.15am I guess.

In hindsight I should have left a message on the answer phone saying I was unavailable due to extenuating circumstances. I am sure being in Hephzibah counts as that. I am also aware it is pretty much useless to hide where I am in the world because somewhat ironically my little friends have put  my photo on a social networking website.

Tomorrow is the commissioning service for the students. We had an amazing time tonight where I shared a message about servanthood and then staff members washed feet. It was not part of the plan but then students turned around and washed staff feet. The presence of God was powerfully present.

It was not that easy to talk about servanthood given that since I have been here no-one will let me do anything for myself. They won't let me wash my dishes, make a cup of something although I do manage to wash my clothes.  I am not a very good role model of a servant leader even though being a servant, especially an invisible one, is one of my favouritist past times.

The slightly nerve-wracking thing about the service is I am also giving a message. I thought I would speak on the subject of guarding your heart. It is the well-spring of life after all.

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