Wednesday 21 October 2015

I woke up this morning at 3am. Next minute this voice came over the pa system located outside our house, "Hullo, hullo, hullo."
Then came a long list of words. I lay there wondering whether to get up or not but decided 3am was just a little early. I went back to sleep but the same thing happened again at 4am and 5am. At breakfast someone said the person was calling out to the gods. I wondered to myself what would happen if one of the gods was missed off the list. I bet they would be ticked off. I also prayed the Living God would stop the gods from turning up.
So far the expected all day and half the night playing of music has not really happened. I think it is a miracle, an answer to prayer. There are times when the music does play but if it was continuous for hours it would be very wearying. There is no way to escape it. Our house is not sound tightable and the music is very loud.

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