Thursday 22 October 2015

I really look forward to meal times. The main meal of the day is lunch. Once so far we have had meat, chicken. I also had it for dinner as there was some left over from lunch. The meals are very simple but flavourful.  I am always given a  vegetable selection that usually contain my favourite okra. Dinner is usually Dahl, runny lentil soup, poured over rice with chutney sometimes available.
The students do not complain about the simple fare. I think one reason is budget restrictions have come on because not all of them have paid their fees.
I was expecting the meals to be like this because I can remember in 1992 my friends staying at the YWAM base here used to sneak out and buy egg rolls.
However, I think if we tried to feed our DTS students in Riversdale as simply as here, there would be a revolt.
Last night a terrible smell came in the window during the evening teaching session. I thought it was the leather factory but it was the chutney cooking. It smells aweful when cooking but is very tasty but chilli hot.
I am pleased I brought with me a packet of milk powder else I would be putting a strain on the budget with all the cups of tea I am drinking.

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