Saturday 31 October 2015

Despite the other 20 million people who are out and about,  it is relatively easy to travel around in this city. All you need to know is the name of the bus stop or place you want to go which are sometimes the same thing and tell the conductor or whoever is driving. Mind you, making yourself understood is not always easy. Keewee accents can be  a challenge for some people. Then to get home again all you need to know is the name of the stop closest to your house. Simple really.

Where I have been living the past two weeks there are other forms of transport to use. One is like a moped with a trailer attached. It is very cool to sit on the back of that to go to the market 10 minutes away. And much less crowded also.

Today I went to my favourite shopping place, bought some lovely fruit cake twice, did a few other jobs, including coffee and came home. Unfortunately when I emerged from the metro underground rail station I had no idea which way to go next. I should add that in 2008 I found my way countless times on my own and this time I have done the trip several times with a companion. I needed to find a small street where I could catch a cycle rickshaw home. Did that street elude me!!!  I walked back down into the  train station and exited by another entrance. I still could not find out where I was. I had already asked  God to show me the way but  I was unable to recognise anything.  After a while I still had no idea where I was so I asked God to send me an angel to help.

Next minute who should turn up but a friendly cycle rickshaw man who asked me where I wanted to go. I told him Punjabi garage and he motioned for me to ascend to the heights of the seat. He crossed the road and off we set. I did have a funny feeling I was on the wrong side of the road.  It took me quite a while for me to recognise where I was. In my defence he did go a longer route than usual  because I was starting in a different place to usual. I was so blessed for his kindness I slipped him some extra payment. I hope he doesn't expect all foreigners to be a soft touch. Chances are he will though. I'm sure I would if I was in his jandals.


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