Friday 23 October 2015

I needed a serious dose of counselling this morning when I realised how much milk powder is left. Earlier in the week I was congratulating myself on having the brain wave of bringing it. Silly old me. In just over a week I have consumed nearly one kilogramme of powder which equates to about seven litres of milk!!! Of course it is my own fault. I should have given people directions as to how much to use. Our milk powder is full milk and makes a stronger brew than the Indian variety which is probably better for you. A couple of times I looked at the milky residue in the bottom of my cup and wondered how much was being used. On another occasion I saw someone put in two heaped dessertspoons into a cup of tea for me.
It is not a serious problem - just rather amusing. I can go and buy some more. I do seem to spend a lot of time chuckling.
A crow was laughing at me this morning while I did my washing. I have at least managed to retain my independence in this area although if my kind hosts had their way they would also wash my clothes.
You see those hand operated water pumps on TV and marvel at how they make life so  much easier for people who previously had to lug water for several miles. However, I have to tell you that it requires about ten pumps to fill the bucket and about four bucket loads of water to rinse a few items especially if you tend to put in too much soap powder like I do. And pumping water is not as easy as it looks.

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