Sunday 1 November 2015

Today I had lunch with Victoria. I lived with Victoria and her family in 1995 in Hephzibah for about three months. At the time Joanna who also joined us for lunch was three years-old.
Much water, some of it dirty, has passed under the bridge of our lives since then but it was great to catch up. Victoria and I used to have some good chats while I was living there and she was probably the main reason I stayed sane. This is the first time I have seen her since then.

We ate in a restaurant that served meat that moos because my two companions are rather fond of that variety of meat. Joanna also confessed to liking another type of meat which was not on the menu in this particular restaurant for religious reasons. Luckily she did not say it too loud. There are so many opportunities to cause offence in this city.

After we parted  company I pottered around for a while and had a coffee at my favourite cafĂ© with the clean toilet. I bought some guava to cook for breakfast and then  bravely decided to get back on the metro horse and come home. Lochumlo and I had worked out why I got lost yesterday so with instructions to go right instead of left I dismounted the metro. Miracles of miracles when I reached the fresh air I knew exactly where I was.

I cut open the papaya when I reached home. It was very moreish. However, I was  a little cautious about eating too much  because I do not think my malaria pills which also function as an antibiotic and have kept my stomach calm for the past weeks, are designed to counteract excess amounts of fruit as well.

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