Monday 2 November 2015

I had another attempt at catching a tram to town  again today. As per the other two days the tram trundled off down the road just as I appeared at the end of the lane. No worries I thought. Another tram will appear in 15 or 30 minutes. Every so often I though I could see one coming but after a while I concluded I had my tram tinted glasses on because none materialised. An hour later I was still standing there. I did get a little concerned when one did not come the other way.

There were lot of interesting things to see while I waited. One man flagged down about eight buses before he found one he wanted. That was fairly entertaining. A didi went past on her bike and I hoped her sari did not get caught in the chain. One does not see many women either on bikes or motorbikes. I wished at the time I had a pen and paper on me because exactly what I knew would happen has happened- I have forgotten all the other amusing sights on display.

I went into town and visited the Oxford Bookshop for old times sake. Harper Lees new book which follows on from To Kill a Mockingbird, my favouritist  book of all time after the Bible, was there for about $20. I resisted the temptation to buy it because I am fast running out of room in my pack. Someone keeps buying  bargains. I wandered upstairs and smelt coffee. I followed my nose to the end of the room and there was a café. There didn't appear to be a nice toilet accompanying  it but I had a coffee anyway. It did smell good. There was a blueberry muffin there. I asked the man if it would be as good as a NZ one and he said no.  He suggested I buy the English tea cake instead. I asked him if it was a s good as the cake in England and he seemed to think it was. However, it did not look as good as my fruitcake at home so I successfully fought off temptation again.

Naan bread was off the menu at The New Regent hotel. It was also off the menu at the next place I tried. That was a little disappointing so I went and had a coffee at my café. And behold a piece of brownie waved at me so I had that for lunch.

I went to the place where I knew the trams stopped but I was not game to take the one I rode on the other day which only went part way. I kept waiting for the one I hoped would take me to the end of my lane but I couldn't figure it out. Another hour of tram spotting passed  and in the end I caught the metro home again.

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