Tuesday 3 November 2015

I weighed up whether I could be bothered having one last crack at catching that elusive tram on my last day when my flight left at 11.50pm.  I decided I could. So I left a little earlier and stood right on the tram track in the middle of the road. I was not game to cross to the side of the road and have my access to the tram blocked by cars and buses. I felt like the sheriff waiting to have a show down with Billy the kid. The tram rumbled its way towards me and as it grew close I stepped on to the road so it did not run me over. Three men got off the tram and one blocked my progress to get on as the tram started moving so I had to quickly leap or be left behind.

It was very satisfying finally sitting in the tram but I was in the front compartment so I thought I would jump off at the next stop and get into the back carriage. The view is better in the back.The conductor was not impressed with me disembarking. I think he asked me if I wanted to go to the police.  Fortunately he understood when I explained. Next stop I scrambled out and jumped on board the second compartment. I wondered to myself where the tram would end up. In the old days it used to go to town.

Low and behold it went to a large shopping area did a loop and then came back the way it came. When I came to my stop I got off and cycle rickshawed  home. The expedition had taken about three quarters of an hour. Sandy 1, tram 3.
I did not know what to do with myself. It was only 10.30am by this time. There was no-one about. Eventually Lochumlo came home and she had forgotten to buy a gift for someone in NZ so I suggested we go out and find a restaurant that sold naan bread and buy the gift.
We not only found a gift but also a restaurant that sold spectacular naan bread and chicken kebabs. There was no-one else eating there which could have been a bad sign but in hindsight was not. We were looked after by a very diligent waiter who filled up my plate with food every time it emptied.  It was a very fine way to end my stay with Lochumlo.

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