Tuesday 3 November 2015

I arrived in Perth about lunchtime but not being particularly hungry decided my first priority was to check my luggage in for the flight to Kalgoorlie where my brother is.
So I lugged my pack out to the bus stop to catch the bus to the domestic terminal. It took about 15 minutes to arrive at the domestic terminal which was on the opposite side of the runway to the international.
Once off the bus I looked for a trolley and found a few of them but I could not get one free. I went to the front of the line and pulled on another one but still no success. Just as a kind Aussie bloke called out to me "You have to pay for those," I noticed the sign saying the same thing.

I was feeling a bit tired and not really thinking straight so I had a cup of coffee which sort of helped. There were automatic check in machines but I was not sure if I could check in using those but managed to figure it out. After it printed the baggage label the task of attaching the label seemed a bit daunting  and I  asked a couple of young women for help. One laughed and said her friend had to help  her with hers as well. The same friend  trustingly gave me her baby to hold so her hands were free and she put the label on my back pack. Then she helped me deposit it in the luggage swallowing department.

I had another chat to a lady going to Brisbane to  visit her son who is married to a Chinese lady. She looked suspiciously like Mavis from Gore but it turned out it was not her. Her daughter spent ten years in Africa and came home with four children and no husband which may have been a little careless of her considering she now relies on her mother to help babysit.

It is amazing who you get chatting to in airports.

By this time I was ready for a second cup  of coffee and a little something. The muffin I bought  was indisputably the best blueberry muffin I have ever eaten. It had nothing to do with the fact I had had little sleep for the last 24 hours, I was experiencing culture shock in Perth airport, needed a shower and I was not sure whether I am with it or not.

That  muffin far surpassed in greatness all the muffins I ate in the UK last year and in NZ the rest of my life. I think it was the tenderness of the cake and the lovely blueberry centre that set it apart.


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