Friday 12 February 2016

It is hard to believe but I just spent twenty minutes writing a blog entry and now it has disappeared. I pressed saved a couple of times as well.

I am sitting in the airport café writing this very glad I figured out how to access the free internet. I have six hours to fill in before my flight.

I have already drunk three cups of coffee but as you can see the cups are about a third the size of a mug.They also cost about one dollar.

Several mosquitoes are hovering hungrily around me. I do not know how they get inside or why they do not abide by the rules that mosquitoes come out at dusk and dawn for their food.

I had a fun three hour train ride with a kind brother. There is always plenty to see and enjoy. Like the three men who sat above our heads on the wire luggage rack because there were no seats.

Fortunately our sari wear male friends did not turn up this trip. I am not sure whether they are eunuchs or transvestites but they like to board the train and ask for donations. They hunt in packs and it would be a brave person who would decline their demand for cash.


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