Monday 29 February 2016

After lunch I just so happened to look out the window and there under a tree I saw a snake. A golden brown kind of a snake, skinny but more than a metre long. I said to Asuly who was in the kitchen, “There is a snake in the garden.”

She came to look and then called Lal. Lal was dispatched outside to kill it. By the time he arrived the snake was disappearing into a pile of bricks piled up by the fence. He hit it with a stick but the snake slithered away quickly from where it had come.

When Lal came back inside he licked his lips and said the snake would be tasty to eat. I guess we will find that out another day.

He thought it was a poisonous snake but not that dangerous.

 I should have taken a photo when I had the chance. I looked up google but could not identify which snake it was. I rather wish I  had not looked up photos of snakes now. They certainly are evil looking creatures and quite a few people get bitten here each year.

I am not sure I am that impressed with there being a snake in the neighbourhood. Our front door is often left open. A snake might find its way inside.

So far I have resisted the temptation to look under my bed but I am not sure how much longer I can hold out.

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