Friday 26 February 2016

These interesting  fruit are called kul- pronounced cool. I did a Google search because no-one could tell me the English name for them. I  found out they are also called jujube, Indian plum, Indian cherry or red date.

You may find this hard to believe but Chinese labourers known as coolies brought  jujube plants from China to the Caribbean and when the English found the plants growing in India they called it the coolie plum. The locals shortened it to kul.

They have a stone like a plum but have the texture of an apple.  There are several different varieties for sale in the market and these ones are about the size of an egg. They belong to the buckthorn family.

They are quite refreshing to eat. The ones I bought cost 25 rupees a kilogramme which is about 50 cents. Someone told me the ones I bought  were not very sweet. They tasted as sweet to me as any others I have eaten so I don't know about that. When they are ripe they turn red. The only ones I have seen in the market have been very green so maybe I will have to keep them for a while to see the change of colour.

Apparently jujube contain 18 of the 24 amino acids the body needs, are high in vitamin C and antioxidants. What did we do before Google?


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