Thursday 25 February 2016

"Better do your washing today brother. There are going to be thunderstorms tomorrow," I told Lal, my young friend.

That was Tuesday. Sure enough about 10am the next day the rain started falling and I remembered my washing was still on the clothes line.

I rushed out to get it in and ended up being very wet. Fortunately the washing was more dry than wet. It dried out on the rope I have strung up in my room.

The rain continued all day on and off. Thunder and lightening also.

The thunder and lightening was spectacular. There were times the lightening must have been very near as the time lapse between flashes and peals of thunder was very close.

The rain brought an increase in humidity but lower temperatures.

The power went on and off all day but then about 7pm it stayed off until about 12pm Thursday.


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