Monday 15 February 2016

Sharing is caring.

Eleven thousand kilometres away my friend Gwen is eating the fruit off the okra I planted in pots and which are growing in her tunnel house. Fortunately in spite of conflicting opinions about whether it is okra season here or not, I bought some today. Half a kilo at the approximate price of 50 cents.That is enough for about two meals if you like a generous portion of okra also called ladies finger or bindi. I recognised the okra seller from when I was here last. It was like seeing an old friend. He would have undoubtedly recognised me.

Unfortunately I did not ask everyone if they wanted to eat okra for dinner before I prepared enough for me.  Then I made the mistake of asking if anyone wanted some after it was cooked. Somebody did of course. The person who said yes was watching me cook it and very likely not knowing my huge okra eating capacity, may well have thought there was too much for one person. Still I did get to eat a sizeable amount and Jesus would have been very pleased with me sharing one of my favourites dishes even if I wasn't.


As you can see even though this is a small wok there was quite a bit of okra but in my defence rice and Dahl ( lentil soup) comprised the rest of dinner.

The moral of the story is next time ask who wants okra.

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