Wednesday 24 February 2016

There seem to be several billion mosquitoes buzzing around our house. It is not surprising because there are ponds and a canal nearby. According to local legend which is completely unsubstantiated as yet, these mosquitoes do not give people malaria.

I know what Mr Ripley would say to that.

I personally feel obligated to kill as many of them as I can. These mosquitoes deserve no mercy for they do not abide by the Geneva Convention's code of biting insect conduct. For example they feed at any time of day. Everyone knows that mosquitoes are only allowed to bite at dusk and dawn. These mercenaries feed whenever they want.

They also have no decorum about  appropriate times to feed. They attack when I shower and when I am on the toilet. They have no respect for my privacy.

My friends have provided me with a lovely mosquito free zone for sleeping in. For all that several non-law abiding mosquitoes have violated the sanctity of that space. Fortunately they show up in the light of my head torch and I am able to take them out with some hand to hand combat.

I also have started  smoking incense sticks which also kills off the mosquitoes. They come in a packet of ten and are made of something which is 100% herbal. Sleep well tonight with peace is written on the packet underneath a sleeping baby.

And my latest addition to my arsenal of weapons is a can of fly spray. I am not convinced of its effectiveness. However it is very therapeutic being able to aim a shot of spray at a flying insect.
Despite my best attempts to stay bite free, which is extremely challenging, probably my best friend is the doxycycline pill I take every morning which is supposed to prevent malaria. I notice it also helps treat anthrax. That is a relief to know I won't be catching anthrax while I am away.

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