Friday 12 February 2016

I am sitting in the airport café feeling ecstatically excited because not only have I just drunk three coffees but I have managed to connect to its free hotspot. The magnitude of my excitement is exacerbated by the caffeine but also the fact I have seven hours to fill in and now I can catch up on my blog. Not sure my tablet's battery will last that long though!!

I should add that the coffee cup size is about a third of a mug.

I am a little concerned because there are mosquitoes buzzing around me in a hungry sort of way. It escapes me how they manage to get inside. I guess through the door?Mosquitos do not always play by the rules like the one that says mosquitoes come out at dusk and dawn.

I had an interesting train ride as always. There was much to see and enjoy. Like the three men who sat above our heads on the wire luggage rack because there were no empty seats. Too much.

Fortunately the men dressed in saris did not board the train this journey. I am not sure what their exact title is, eunuch, transsexual, but they like to come on board and ask for donations. They tend to hunt in packs and it would be a brave person who would say no to them.

I think my flight is leaving later than my ticket says but I do not know for sure as the lure of coffee was greater than my need to know. I will have some lunch soon but as I have seven hours to fill in I might wait a little longer.

Maybe I will have another coffee....

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