Sunday 14 February 2016

Today I caught the taxi to a church I am particularly fond of. It is quite a traditional service but the church is nearly 200 years old. It was planted by Englishman William Carey. There are marble plaques on the wall commemorating people who made outstanding contributions to the church.

The people are friendly and a cup of tea is offered after the service. Today being Valentines Day everyone was presented with a rose because the speaker said Valentines Day is more than just about couples celebrating their friendship.

I caught up with my two friends Grace and Kobita who have started a school somewhere and I will visit them this week some time.

On the way home Jesus and I got lost. At least Jesus wasn't lost. The one who created the universe and knows the stars by name never gets lost. It all started when we caught the 223 bus which was the right bus. I said where I wanted to get down, Lordsmore, and the conductor seemed to know where that was because he repeated what I said. Anyway a short time into the journey he told me we had reached my stop. It did not look like my stop and after I got down it was not where I wanted to be. Mind you I was not exactly sure where I was but then I figured it out.  I walked a little way wondering whether to take the soft option and catch a taxi or whether to catch another bus. Eventually another 223 turned up so I caught it and asked to be let down at South City which is the mall not far from the other stop.

Wonder of wonders I made it home.

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