Sunday 16 September 2018

To Uber or not to Uber

I confess to my deep shame that I am taking Uber taxis whenever I need to go out anywhere. What would William Carey think?

I'm not sure but I know what Sandy would have said in 1992, 1995, 1998, 2008 and 2015.When in Rome do as the Romans do. Catch buses, take the Metro, train, walk, rickshaw, auto  and tram. On special occasions take a taxi. By 2016 and 2018 she was starting to mellow markedly.

Well unfortunately it is not 1992 and I no longer am 30 years old. I am actually 56 and its a darn sight easier and less stressful in many ways to Uber. It is also cooler as Uber travel is a.c. (air conditioned). In 30 degree plus heat and humidity one cannot sneezle at a.c. travel. Population growth means public forms of transport are even more under pressure than 30 years ago.

Another reason to take an Uber now is because the old Ambassador car taxi drivers are feeling the pinch because they have competition from companies like Uber who are  taking their business. So they are even more unuser friendly than they were in the past. In the past they could be a little unco-operative and be reluctant to use the meter. Nowadays they can be plain difficult. They will refuse to take you if the distance is not long enough, they will refuse to use the meter and  will suggest a ridiculous price because you are a little unusual and have lots of money. So in some ways they are reaping what they have sown.

The downside of Uber is it is more expensive than the other forms of transport. Although it is probably cheaper than traditional taxi. It is also an elite form of travel. I think if I were here long term I would use less Uber but for now I can justify travelling in Uber style.

An Ambassador car which is slowly being superseded by a.c. Japanese imports taking over the taxi market.
To Uber one simply puts in ones starting point into an app on ones cell phone.  The app usually works that out for you and you type in your destination or choose the destination from the choices that pop up as you start adding letters. When you request a car the registration number of the driver assigned comes up on your phone and you can even see him approaching on the map provided.

Ubering is usually idiot proof but this morning my ubering experience nearly became a failed mission. Here is why. I put in where I wanted to go with the name of the church and the address which popped up: Lower Circular Baptist Church 43 AJC Bose Rd.

The address was correct according to the church website.  However, when we were about half way the driver stopped and told me we had arrived.

No way I said. Where is the church? No this is not the place Dada.
Oh yes it is he replied in Bangla and showed me his phone. Well I think that is what he said.
Sure enough his phone said we were at the right address.

I'm not getting out. This is not the right place I said. You have to go straight.
By my calculations there was still about  two kilometres to go.
He showed me his phone again.
He would not budge even though I told him my destination was further up the road. Thank God I knew where I was.
He wound down the window and turned off the car.
The temperature inside the car and me started to go up.

Thankfully I realised it was a problem with the GPS and not the driver. I did not know what to do but as I looked at my phone I  discovered I could add in a destination so I chose a place beyond where I wanted to go. Thank God I knew that also.

I sent the new instructions and he did not receive it.
I sent it I said.
I have not received it he said in Bangla.
I sent it three more times for good measure.
He still did not receive it.
At this point I decided to pay get out and order another Uber.
I started walking down the road wondering what to do. It was too far to walk.

Then I hear a toot toot as the Uber driver pulled up alongside me and wound down his window.
I received the change in destination he said in Bangla.
I climbed aboard and off we went merrily.

He was heading for the new destination but as we drew near to the church I told him to pull over.
This is the church I said. He knew we were headed for a church because it was part of the original destination instructions.

I gave him extra money for the additional distance and as I departed I said GPS kharap. The GPS is crap. He smiled.

When it was time to come home I ordered another Uber and noticed that number 41 AJC Bose Rd came up automatically instead of 43. Even so there is no way one number could make that much difference.

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