Monday 17 September 2018

To Uber or not to Uber pt2

Government health warning: this post may have heaps of spelling mistakes cause i wrote it on my phone. Mistakes could interfer with your mentsl hesloth if you have obsessive compulsive correct spelling disorder.

Today's Uber journey also provided an unexpected surprise. I am on such an Uber learning curve at the moment.  I think it may be because I foolishly thought I had mastered the art of ubering. I know. I know. What was I thinking.
So... I had the address of where I wanted to go. I entered it in the correct place, selected the order button and confirmed. 

Unbeknown to me the Uber GPS decided it didn't know where my destination was znd decided i should go somewhere else. I did not think to check it could have changed my instructions.
Once again I ended up in the wrong place.  Today's driver understood English and so we added in a new destination but it wouldn't change for me. So he had several tries znd gknally we headed off in the tight direction.

I ended up just where I  should have been.

But this Ubering is not as idiot  proof as I  would hope. And to be fair some of that has to do with the GPS information the app uses.

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