Sunday 9 September 2018

Fruit and custard?

Please do not mind there is not a pine cone on the plate. It is a custard apple. Custard apples are extremely tasty fruit. I have eaten custard apples before in 1995 but do not remember them being so delicious. They are now on my most favourite fruit list. Guava, greengagers and strawberries top the list but custard apples are a close second.

A custard apple is a little bit custardy but not much. It has segments similar to an orange but if I remember correctly each one of the dimples on the outside have a seed and segment attached on the inside. It is several days since I have eaten one so my memory is a little sketchy.  The seeds are very hard and similar to a runner bean seed but flat. There is pulp around each seed which you suck off before  ladylikely and discretely removing the seed from your mouth onto a spoon. If you are not in the mood for ladylike you can spit it into your hand or onto the floor.

The flavour is hard to describe but the texture is a little bit grainy like a feijoa or guava. I suppose the flavour is subtle and fruity. Not too sweet. Unique in the same way a persimmon is. There is a thin layer of pulp which could vaguely be described as custard, I suppose, between the seed segments ad outer case. The outer case is relatively hard but put any pressure on it and it breaks at the place where the dimples join.

It seems to me the custard apple is so unusual, I did wonder to myself what on earth was God thinking when he came up with the idea. However, you could say the same about lots of fruit. Our God is very imaginative.

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