Monday 3 September 2018

No not the train...

Ah yes. The train journey. Such fun. I made it to the train station in plenty of time. Well with an hour to spare. The train was for some reason running late. Bizaree really when that was the start of the journey. I do not know how that works.

About an hour after it was supposed to leave we were off. It was very pleasant in the carriage I was in. It was third class ac. I will hopefully never ride anything less than that class ever again.

I chained my pack to the top bunk where no-one was sitting and made myself comfortable in my window seat. I felt a little bit snackish so I ate two pieces of fruit cake kindly made for me by Mr Mullick.

Not long into the journey my bladder said it needed emptying. Ridiculous I said. I haven’t drunk anything for two hours and I’ve been sweating like a pig. Sometimes one has to be firm with bladders so I made it wait for another four hours. I was very nervous about the toilet. I did not need to be.

When the time finally came for me to go to the bathroom I waited until the train slowed down and scampered down the corridor after a man who was heading in the same direction. By this time the train was virtually stopped waiting for another train to go past.

Fortunately the man chose the western convenience which left me the hole in the floor one. Crazy as it may seem the hole in the ground is the more hygenic option as long as one can crouch and not lose ones balance. Thankfully  the train did not start up again until I was finished. If this is all too much information I apologise. Just trying to set the scene.

The chai wallah came by so I had a cup of tea and the last piece of cake. He soon came back to take lunch orders but I was too full to think about lunch.

The train clattered on getting further and further behind schedule.

At one point the masala muri man came by so I bought some of that. Everyone around me was on their bunks sleeping. I had the lower berth and fortunately the person who had the middle bunk above mine did not want to lie down. The back of the lower berth folds down to make the middle berth. If he had wanted to lie down I would have had to lie down too because there is no room to sit if the middle berth is down.

Two hours to go everyone woke up and sat up. I met a young lady who was going home to her husband. She had not seen him for three months as she had a job where the trasin started its journey. Every three months she came home for fifteen days or so.

Finally only about two hours late the train ambled in to my station. I hoisted my pack onto my back and waddled my way out of the train, onto the platform, up the stairs, down the stairs to  the exit where my ride was waiting for me.

Masala muri.

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