Thursday 13 September 2018


Radio Freak America? Royal Fleet Auxiliary? Really Frightening Animal? No. No. No.
RFA? Ready for anything.

RFA is the best policy in Hephzibah and surrounding districts because plans frequently go awry. If you are in a state of RFA nothing phases you. Well that is the theory anyway.

For example you might be visiting people and someone unexpectedly says to you, "Now sister will bring us a word of encouragement." If sister is switched on to RFA mode she will have a word ready to go. On the contrary sister might have been asked to bring a word of encouragement and no-one asks for it. In this example sister has to be RFA so that if she is not asked she does not get huffy.

For example roast chicken. It will never be the same as where one comes from. If one is in RFA it will not matter. If one is not in RFA one could be very disappointed and sulk. One might also be very critical of the chef and indeed the whole nation because they do not know what roast chicken is supposed to be like.

For example the yoghurt to eat with the curry is frozen and the ice cream for pudding is runny.

The problem for most of us is that we have set ideas about what will happen. You know. Expectations. Having expectations in Hephzibah is not always wise because they set you up for a potential melt down. RFA means one has to be highly flexible and go with the flow.

One also has to be highly humble to operate in RFA. Pride is the enemy of RFA because pride would say "I  deserve this or I should get my own way or that's not fair or what about me." When one is operating in RFA one simply accepts things the way they are and gets on with it.

I guess it is a bit like dying to self.


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