Monday 10 September 2018

Put Some Clothes On

Here I am wearing my favouritist outfit at the moment -my house coat or house dress. Or at least it is my second favouritist because the outfit I wear when having a bath is my most favouritist. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your viewpoint I am not able to wear my bath outfit in public.

I bought the house coat as a kind of spur of the minute decision while shopping in my favouritist market of all time. However, unlike most of the other spur of the minute decisions I have made, I have not rued this one.

My house coat is really just a rectangular piece of cotton that is doubled over and sown almost to the top to create side seams and arm holes. There is a hole cut in the top where the edges of the material have been hemmed to make an opening for my head.

The house coat is loose fitting and very cool. One can choose to wear under garments underneath which for modesty's sake I choose to do, or not. One would be even cooler if one did not I expect.

My outside the house outfits, salwar chemises, are cooler than jeans and a T-shirt but still are not as cool as my house coat. The first thing I do when returning to the house is struggle out of my clothes into my house coat. It is a struggle because in these 37 degree temperatures ones clothes tend to stick.

While you should not wear one's house coat out in public here, I think, you would get away with it in NZ. You would just look like a skinny version of the chick from the Mummas and Poppas.

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