Sunday 16 September 2018

Fruit and custard part 2

Government Health Warning - there is very little grammar used in todays blog because I can not be bothered putting it in.

Being an epistemologically minded young lady or just plain nosey, I thought I should do some research on the custard apple. This adventure into Google land was partially motivated by the fact I had just eaten three custard apples and swallowed a couple of pips by accident.

However, I should probably start at the beginning...

I went to the fruit market where a pleasant young man lay in wait for me behind a tall display of fruit. He asked me if I wanted apples.
No. Custard apples I said.
Oh please don't mind he said with a sly look on his face but they are 200 rupees a kilogram.
Dada I said that is too much. 130.
170 was his response.
He was carefully feeling the fruit and choosing which one to sell me. That was my first mistake. I should have made the selection. I usually do even though I really don't know what I am doing.

The minute he started bargaining I knew I was in big trouble. 130 was far too high for my opening bid. That was my second mistake. I knew I was going to come off second best in this encounter.
By this time the custard apples were in the bag and it was belong proffered to me.
135 I said.
150 he said.
OK I said wishing I could remember what I had paid last time.

I would also like some guava.
100 rupees a kilo he said.
No Dada I said. 40 rupees for half a kilo.
He agreed.
I also bought some sweet limes which are like lime flavoured oranges.

When I arrived home I inspected my custard apples. Three were very ripe, one ripe and one firm. They need to give way when squeezed if they are ready to eat and four were.
Oh I thought to myself I think I need to start eating these. So I did. Plus a few pips.

When I did some research I found out the ca are very good for you. Filled with antioxidants and minerals. The pips are not so good and are poisonous. I wondered how many are too many. To be fair I was not exactly sure how many I had ingested.

The pips are ground up and used to make a paste to kill head lice but some people experience a reaction to this medicine which is toxic because of the cyanide in the kernels. 

I was wondering how I would know if I had cyanide poisoning and then I found a site that told me the hard skins on the seeds mean you don't get poisoned if you swallow them whole.
Phew I thought...

Disaster averted...

Cancel the body bag.

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