Sunday 6 March 2016

I am back at Lochumlo's  and trying to figure out how to  pack in such a way I bring everything home with me.

It is not that I have bought much apart from a few packets of biscuits (nine), some sweet and sour snacks, some other sweets and maybe  a jar of jam. It is all the things that I have been given like the scarves, pestle and mortar, clock and wall hanging. And then there is the homemade jewellery someone thought I could sell at home. Ki korbo.

That aside I went back to my old favourite church today to see my church planting pals. There I saw an amazing jack fruit tree. Some of the jack fruit were growing out of the trunk. I have never eaten jack fruit because they  are ripe in summer but I have been told the fruit although very tasty has an unusual aroma.

I caught the bus home and stopped by at the devil's mall to use the conveniences. I thought that was a good reason anyway to go inside. And while there I had a cup of coffee. I also went to the supermarket and bought six packets of biscuits for the price of five.

They were completely re-organising the supermarket. I was immediately suspicious and thought the worst which shows you the effect  living in an unfamiliar environment  can have. I thought maybe the change around was to keep customers confused and disoriented. Instead of jumping to scurrilous conclusions I decided to ask a shop assistant. She led me to someone who was supervising. He assured me it was the first time the shop had been changed around in eight years and he was sorry for the inconvenience. I told him I was not inconvenienced just curious.

After I left the mall I walked down the road towards the cycle rickshaw stand. On the way I saw a fine fellow having a snooze on top of a wall. He looked so laid back and comfortable I decided to risk making a scene and took a photo.

I made it home and after a while Lochumlo also arrived. With a smirk on her face she asked me if I had been to the devil's mall. She prefers to call it S**** C****. I said I took the bus that goes that way. "Did you go inside," she pressed.
"I had a coffee."  I forgot to mention I needed to visit a small room. I wondered why she was asking me so many questions but then it is a joke between us how much I do not like the place but often go there.
Anyway she eventually confessed she had been there too and had seen me. I was very relieved at that point I, as always, had told the shameful truth.

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