Thursday 28 January 2016

If the slipper fits wear it Cinderella

Hi ho hi ho its off to Hephzibah I go. In a couple of days I am off to one of my favourite cities again.

If you are reading this blog/journal for the first time you might like to know, it is my attempt to process the challenges of living in another culture and share it with anyone who is interested. It is not easy crossing the sometimes invisible boundaries of culture into a land where our own cultural capital, is redundant or at the very least takes a back seat but I have discovered sharing the experience is very therapeutic!!

The way things happen sometimes in Hephzibah is hilariously funny to me and at times incomprehensible because I am an outsider looking in. If I were part of the culture, the things I find funny as an outsider, would not be funny at all because they would be normal to me. Whatever normal looks like. And if I were an insider I might even find an outsider's hilarity rather offensive.

So if you are an insider reading this blog please be advised I am not poking fun at your culture but at my inability to interpret what is going on and live according to the unspoken rules everyone but me, it seems, knows about. You see I really do try to be an insider but most of the time that status eludes me.

I've taken off my own slippers but the new ones I am trying to walk in are very sloppy because they are too big and sometimes I forget to take them off at the door.

However, rest assured I will keep putting one foot after the other.